Thursday, March 27, 2014

Statement - Resolution on Ukraine UNGA

Statement by H.E. Mr. Vlad Lupan,

Ambassador, Permanent Representative
of the Republic of Moldova to the United Nations
at UN General Assembly
Plenary meeting on agenda item 33 (b) Prevention of armed conflicts: Strengthening the role of mediation in the peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention and resolution
New York, 27 March 2014
(explanation after the vote)
Mr. President,

The Republic of Moldova followed with great concern the unfolding of the situation in Ukraine and remains deeply worried about the developments in this neighboring and friendly country. In this context we have already stressed our position that we support the principles of the international law applying to all member states, in this particular case to Ukraine as well – on the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders, in accordance with the UN Charter, including Article 2. We also believe that the bilateral And multilateral agreements make a body of the international law and need to be observed, including in the case of Ukraine.

While welcoming the commitment of the Ukrainian authorities to respect and protect the rights of all persons in Ukraine, including minorities, we acknowledge that the future of Ukraine can be considered and decided only upon the free will and aspirations of all Ukrainians themselves, without any outside influence.

We regret the conduct of the so-called “referendum” in Crimea. The Government of the Republic of Moldova expressed its position on March 16 and reiterates that the so-called “referendum” on the status of the Crimean peninsula cannot be legal due to the fact that it contravenes to the Ukrainian Constitution and international law. The conditions in which this so-called “referendum” took place could not be considered a free expression of people’s will and does not correspond to relevant international standards and law.

Mr. President,

The Republic of Moldova stands with the people of Ukraine and will provide all the support to the efforts to overcome the current crisis in a peaceful manner and in conformity with principles of international law.

We also commend the ongoing UN efforts with regard to this crisis and are looking forward to the continued constructive role of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and UN system as a whole in that regard. We additionally welcome the March 21stOSCE Permanent Council Decision to deploy an OSCE special monitoring mission to Ukraine, taken this time by consensus, a good example for the UN as well.

Mr. President,

This crisis brought difficult times to the existing system of inter-state relations and to the UN. The implementation of the international principles on sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, rule of law, including in the framework of multilateral and bilateral relations, the respect for human rights and free and fair expression of people’s will are tantamount for the well-functioning of this institution in particular and to the system of international security and international relations as a whole. As a country that has an unresolved, protracted separatist conflict on its territory for over 20 years, we look forward to the resolution of conflicts through peaceful means and dialogue. This is the reason why my delegation voted in favor of this resolution, supporting the respect for the UN Charter and its principles.

Thank you.