Monday, June 9, 2008

In Brussels - promises of democratic elections. The real thing – in Chisinau Municipal Council.

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Just two weeks ago, the European officials asked the leadership of the Republic of Moldova in Brussels to ensure free and democratic elections in 2009. These elections are supposed to be a test of democracy in the Republic of Moldova, in fact a test of democracy of the governing communist party and a trial of sincerity regarding those communist leaders’ statements according to which we should build “Europe, here, at home .”

“The elections in Moldovan Parliament in 2009 will be democratic and transparent" and “This is the permanent care of the Moldovan authorities" answered the President of the Republic of Moldova to the European officials. The President reiterated these promises to its population as well, once again, at his return to Moldova, in a discussion with mass-media.

Can we actually find here any promise of the same democratic behavior in the Chisinau Municipal Council, and other administrative units in Moldova where the majority of the seats do not belong to the governing party since last elections? Probably this is not the case, because it seemed to some local “shrewd” politicians that on 28 May in Brussels there was a an exchange about 2009 elections mainly. This discussion comes, as we understand, as a result of the worsened political climate. However, the Brussels discussions on 2009 elections seemed less to indicate towards the current local political atmosphere that came after local elections, while focusing on the 2009 – we understand, of course, that, as everywhere, in Moldova the politics are a continuous process and the 2009 elections indeed will be built upon the results of 2007 local elections, with the same participants and sometimes nearly similar approaches, call it policies if you like.

While mentioning 2009 elections context, it might seem to a local observer that such a link is less observed by the governance, although there is an indirect recognition of the problems that the local administrative units are facing. We mean those electoral units where people voted other parties than the communist one. And, as we know, those units were threatened to receive no funding from the central State budget, a promise that is still in effect, after Brussels visit. The impression is that the 2009 promises of democratic elections are disconnected from the political life on local level and from those problems that still continue in Chisinau and other units not under communist control. It, therefore, seems that somehow Moldovan democracy arrears from the past, including those stemming from the power struggle of the 2007 local elections, although valid until today, have been presented as having nothing to do with 2009 – and that is not the case.

These days new problems were created in the Chisinau Council, where the power struggle is far from “democratic and transparent”. In general political terms this is happening after the strong advise given by the Head of the Moldovan State, in an interview to a subsidiary TV station, on 30 May, to its populace, to vote in 2009 only three certain political parties (his and two that he supports), a fact that is indeed “transparent”, however if we see the President of Moldova as a person that represents ALL the citizens of his country... That advise also comes after Brussels promises. Another recommendation, after the Brussels promises of democratic and transparent elections, broadcasted in Vladimir Voronin’s interview was a strong advise to Chisinau town citizenry to revoke the current Liberal Mayor through a referendum that will be started (by whom?), in autumn.

Against this background, we should now look at the current situation in the Chisinau Municipal Council, where a few political parties (social-democrats, communist and others) “elected” in a secretive, separate meeting, last Friday an alternative Chairman of the Council, creating chaos and disarray, since these “elections” resulted in two Chairmen pretending for one chair.

Perhaps we should ask ourselves how true are the following presumptions and speculations of discrepancies between statements and deeds on example of Chisinau Council – and since these are speculations, we can go far enough. A social-democratic party initiated the “alternative” elections of the Chairman of the Chisinau Municipal Council – it just happens that one of social-democrat leaders quickly gets rid of lawsuits against him (previously initiated by the communists, as it was speculated), those lawsuits were considered as tools of communist political pressure, while now there is little talk about it, those lawsuits were meanwhile quietly solved in a justice system that is under unrecognized communist influence. Furthermore, a component of this social-democrat party is present in the Moldovan Parliament and currently votes some of the laws in line with the communist party. Finally, the very same social-democrat leader that initiated the "coup d’état" in the Council, as a result of these “alternative” vote is elected as the Chair of this important Municipal body. The vote is supported by the… communist party and other political bodies in good relations with the communist party. Perhaps not by accident exactly the same time when the local social-democrats and communist were staging this spectacular split, with raised voices and threats in the Municipal council, the local branch of the PRO-TV showed, in its news broadcast the pictures of unusually active police presence with additional posts around the Municipality, just a few days after police removed its presence from the Municipality under pretences of lack of personnel?

One can say that this is a large amount of speculation – for some it can be true, however, when we see that one thing is promised in Brussels and on the other hand there are actions in local Councils that come against these “democratic” promises, the only thing that one can do is to speculate. One can wonder if this is the “transparency” of the governing act, or is this the solution for strengthening the democracy in a “vertical” style? Are we facing another event that is only interesting for the local political parties, because these are mere speculations, or because this is too uncomfortable topic right now, since there are 2009 elections coming, which are more important for the future (whose)? The past practices, however, lean over 2009 elections, the temptation is not gone, appeasing promises can not substitute the reality on the ground – the voters of Chisinau, which are almost a third of the country, are important enough for the governance in 2009 elections as well. Should we, therefore, understand that “Europe, here, at home” differs in statements and implementation – are we all suggested to believe that 2009 will be in 2009, while 2007 results and current struggles are “just another story” that one shouldn’t look into? The simple voter might be tired and confused to care.


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La Bruxelles – promisiuni de elegeri democratice. Realitatea – in Consiliul Municipal Chisinau

Doar doua saptamani in urma, oficialii europeni au cerut la Bruxelles alegeri libere si democratice in 2009 de la conducerea Republicii Moldova, aceste alegeri urmand sa prezinte un test al democratiei in Republica Moldova, de fapt un test al democratiei a partidului comunist de guvernamant si o incercare a sinceritatii declaratiilor facute de liderii comunsti privind dorinta de a construi "Europa la noi acasa".

"Alegerile in Parlamentul Moldovei din anul 2009 vor fi democratice si transparente" si "Aceasta este grija permanenta a autoritatilor moldovenesti" a raspuns Presedintele Republici Moldova oficialilor europeni. Preseditele a reiterat aceste promisiuni si populatiei inca o data la revenirea in tara, in cadrul unor discutii cu mass-media.

Vedeti undeva o promisiune ca totul va fi democratic si in Consiliul Municipal Chisinau sau alte unitati teritorial administrative in care majoritatea, de la ultimele alegeri locale, nu este detinuta de catre partidul de guvernamant? Probabil nu este cazul, pentru ca unor politicieni “smecheri” locali li s-a creat impresia ca pe 28 mai la Bruxelles s-a discutat mai mult despre alegerile din 2009. Intelegem ca o asemenea discutie de la Bruxelles vine in rezultatul unei deteriorari a climatului politic.Totusi, se pare ca discutiile la Bruxelles au indicat mai putin in directia climatului politic actual de dupa alegerile locale, dar s-au axat pe alegerile din 2009 – intelegem, evident, ca tot asa cum si in alte tari, si in Moldova politica este un proces continuu si nu exista rupturi in politica, iar alegerile din 2009 vin in urma celor locale din 2007 si la ele participa aceleasi partide cu aproape aceleasi atitudini, numiti-le politici daca doriti.

In timp ce mentionam alegerile din 2009, unui observator local i-ar parea ca in cazul partidului de guvernamant se evita conexiunea dintre situatia politica in alegerile din 2007 si 2009, chiar daca exista o intelegere indirecta a problemelor unitatilor administrative-teritoriale din Moldova in care populatia a votat, democratic de altfel, alte partide decat partidul comunist. Stim ca aceste unitati au fost amenintate ca nu vor primi fonduri din bugetul de stat, o promisiune care intelegem ca este inca valabila, chiar dupa vizita la Bruxelles.Se creaza impresia ca promisiunile privind alegerile democraice din 2009 sunt deconectate de viata politica de nivel local si de acele probleme care continua in Chisinau si alte unitati care nu sunt controlate de partidul comunist. Asftel, pare ca restantele democratice din alegerile locale trecute, desi sunt valabile astazi, sunt prezentate drept pobleme care nu au nimic comun cu 2009 – ceea ce nu este cazul nostru.

Chiar ziele treucte au aparut probleme noi in Consiliul Municipal Chisinau (CMC), unde lupta pentru putere este departe de a fi “democratica si transparenta”. In termeni politici generali aceste lupte se intampla dupa indemnul insistent al sefului statului, de la postul de televiziune subsidiar NIT, de a vota doar anumite trei partide (al lui si cele doua pe care le sustine), un indemn cat se poate de "transparent", dar daca il privim ca Presedintele care reprezinta TOTI cetatenii tarii… Acest indemn vine, de asemenea, dupa promisiunile din mai de la Bruxelles. O alta recomandare, care vine tot dupa promisiunile de la Bruxelles privind alegeri democratice si transparente, am fost si ea transmisa in aelasi interviu al lui Vladimir Voronin catre cetateni orasului Chisinau – prin aceasta se recomanda ca cetatenii sa sustina procedura de revocare a primarului liberal, care va fi pornita (de cine oare?) in toamna.

Sa privim acum, pornind de la circumstantele expuse mai sus, la situatia actuala din Consiliul Municipal Chisinau, unde cateva partide politice (social-democratii, comunistii si altii) au “ales” intr-o sedinta secretoasa si separata, vinerea trecuta, un Presedinte al Consiliului “alternativ”, creand haos si dezordine, deoarece aceste “alegeri” au rezultat in doi Presedinti care pretind la acelasi scaun.

Poate ca ar fi bine sa ne intrebam pe cat de adevarate ar fi urmatoarele presupuneri si vehiculari privind discrepante intre declaratii si actiuni, luand drept exemplu cazul Consiliului Chisinau – si deoarece acestea sunt doar presupuneri si vehculari, putem merge destul de departe in aceste presupuneri. Astfel, un partid de formatiune social-democrata a initiat alegerile “alternative” a Presedintelui Consiliului Municipal Chisinau – poate este intamplator, dar tocmai unul din liderii acestui partid a reusit sa rezolve relativ repede problema proceselor de judecata pornite impotriva sa (initiate de partidul comunist, se zice), iar noi ne amintim ca acele acuzatii legale au fost considerate drept metode de presiune politica din partea partidului comunistilor asupra partidului sau, pe cand acum nu se mai discuta despre acele presupuse incalcari legale, care acum sunt rezolvate in cadrul unui sistem judiciar despre care se spune ca se afla sub o nerecunoscuta influenta comunista. Mai mult ca atat, o componenta a acestiu partid social-democrat a inceput sa voteze unele legi in Parlamentul RM impreuna cu partidul comunist. In fine, chiar acest lider social-democrat care a initiatia acest “coup d’etat” in Consiliu, a fost ales in urma acestui vot “alternativ” drept celalalt Presedinte al acestei importante structuri municipale. Votul este sustinut de catre… corect, partidul comunstilor si alte formatiuni politice in relatii mai bune cu partidul de guvernare. Poate ca nu intamplator tocmai in acea zi cand social-democratii si comunistii pregateau aceasta scindare impresionanta, cu vorbitori cu vocea ridicata si amenintari, postul de televiziune PRO-TV emite un reportaj conform caruia in zona imprejurul primariei sunt aduse posturi aditionale a politiei, intr-un numar neobisnuit de mare, tocmai cateva zile dupa ce politia si-a retras postul de la Pirmarie acuzand lipsa de personal?

Cineva ar putea spune ca facem multe presupuneri – aceasta ar fi adevarat pentru unii, dar in conditiile in care una se spune la Bruxelles si pe de alta parte in Consiliul Chisinauian sunt intreprinse actiuni carevin impotriva cestor promisiuni “democratice”, nu ne raman decat presupunerile. Sa presupunem, deci, ca aceasta ar fi "transparenta" actului de guvernare la noi, sau aceasta ar fi solutia pentru “intarirea democratiei” intr-un stil al “verticalei puterii”? Or suntem din nou in fata unui eveniment interesant doar pentru partidele politice din Republica Moldova, pentru ca acestea sunt doar simple presupuneri si nu este un subiect comod acum, cand vin alegerile din 2009, care sunt mai importante pentru viitor (viitorul cui)? Practicile trecutului isi lasa umbra si asupra alegerilor din 2009, tentatia nu a disparut, promisiunile impaciutoare nu pot substitui realitatea de pe teren - votantii din orasul Chisinau, adica aproape o treime a tarii, sunt destul de importanti pentru guvernare si in alegerile din 2009. Sa intelegem, deci, ca "Europa la noi acasa" este diferita in declaratii si implementare – oare ni se sugereaza sa credem ca 2009 va fi in 2009, iar rezultatele si lupta actuala ce rezulta din 2007 este doar “o alta poveste”, pe care nici nu trebuie sa o observam? Votantul simplu poate fi prea obosit si derutat ca sa mai pese.

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