Sunday, August 10, 2008

Balticii ameninta Rusia!

Iata mai jos una din primele reactii adecvate la actiunile Rusiei, chiar la nivelul a patru presedintei membri ai UE si NATO. Mai clar nu se poate - absolut admirabil! Se asteapta si alte actiuni, iar noi...

In context, vreau sa aduc la cunostinta societatii civile si a tuturor celor interesati de situatia din Georgia, ca societatile civile din statele baltice picheteaza activ ambasadele Federatiei Ruse!

Ulterior, eventual azi seara sau mai probabil maine dimineata (azi voi fi nitel ocupat si voi merge la euTV, la 20.00), voi plasa non-paperul Georgiei privind razboiul declansat de Rusia asupra sa.


Joint Declaration of the Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish Presidents on the Situation in Georgia


We, the leaders of the former captive nations from Eastern Europe and current members of the European Union and NATO– Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland – are extremely concerned about the actions of the Russian Federation against Georgia.

We strongly condemn the actions by the Russian military forces against the sovereign and independent country of Georgia.

Following the unilateral military actions of the Russian military forces, we will use all means available to us as Presidents to ensure that aggression against a small country in Europe will not be passed over in silence or with meaningless statements equating the victims with the victimizers. To this end we intend to urge our governments to take the following positions in discussions and to raise these concerns in the European Union and the North Atlantic Council:

- Can the current Russian authorities be called adequate strategic partners of the EU;

- Can the family of European democratic countries pursue a mutually beneficial dialogue with a country that uses heavy military armour against an independent country;

- It is pointless to continue a “visa facilitation” program with a country that does not meet even the minimal requirements set by the EU and which uses visa facilitation to issue Russian Federation passports to foreigners and then abuses this EU given privilege to claim intervention rights such as "we are protecting Russian citizens" in South Ossetia.

- The actions of the Russian Federation in Georgia should influence the talks with the Russian Federation, including negotiations on the new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement.

We underline the obvious bankruptcy of Russian “peacekeeping operations” in its immediate neighbourhood. The Russian Federation has overstepped a red-line in keeping the peace and stability in the conflict zone and in protecting Russian citizens outside its own borders.

The EU and NATO must take the initiative and stand-up against the spread of imperialist and revisionist policy in the East of Europe. New international peacekeeping forces should be created as the current setting proved to be ineffective.

We regret that not granting of the NATO’s Membership Action Plan (MAP) to Georgia was seen as a green light for agression in the region.

We believe that the EU and NATO as the key organizations for European and Transatlantic stability and security should play a leading and crucial role in securing freedom, security and prosperity of countries not only in the EU but also in the neighboring European area.

It a litmus-test for the credibility of the EU and NATO to solve the conflict in its immediate neighborhood and to prove for all EU and NATO members, aspirant countries and democratic partners that it is worth being members and partners of these organizations.

This Declaration is open for the accession by the leaders of other democratic countries.

President of the Republic of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves
President of the Republic of Latvia Valdis Zatlers
President of the Republic of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus
President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczyński

Office of the President
Public Relations Department
Phone +372 631 6229

1 comment:

Vlad Lupan said...

Imi pare rau, dar a trebuit sa sterg un "comentariu" cu un continut licentios. Murdaria si injuraturile nu au nimic comun cu libertatea de expresie. In schimb au ceva cu cei 7 ani... sper ca de acasa, desi in asa caz nu sunt sigur.